Once again, more
neo-liberal foolishness from the NY Times. Today's lead "news analysis" is entitled "
Obama's Twist of BP's Arm stirs debate on Frequent Tactic" - that frequent tactic being the exercise of public power over corporate incompetence and malfeasance. The writer - David Sanger, cites several examples of this "frequent tactic" - firing the CEO of General Motors after it was
saved from bankruptcy by public funds, forcing Chrysler into a merger (again, after public wealth, or at least the chimera of public wealth saved it), curbing executive pay at banks that were bailed out (the overreach!...the overreach!)...all of this, in fact, being put forth in that irritating way the
NYT has of displaying clear ideology in the guise of "objective reporting".
Finally Obama makes some moves - timid given the situation - to stop corporate power from pushing the USA off the edge towards total decline. And this raises the question of government overreach. This after weeks of articles analyzing the perception of Obama as weak and unable to tackle the barrage of problems facing the nation.
It is almost psychedelic that so many blithering idiots on the right accuse the NYT of having a "liberal bias"...meaning, of course, a left-leaning bias. Putting "neo" in front might save these people from their ignorance...if indeed they knew what neo-liberal means.
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