Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Bonzo vs. Mr. Smith

While meandering through the satellite tv's film offerings today, I ran into the end of Mr. Smith Goes to Washington...you know, where Jimmy Stewart is raging, quivering with fiery goodness, in front of the senate, jumping on the case of all those haughty, corrupt bastards that surround him with suits...and you can hear his voice get shakier and shakier...his face takes on the kind of mad, sainted glow that could well be part of some religious agitprop film (jeez, how Capra used light and focus!)...but of course not at all religious...just a regular, decent guy flung into the snakepit of mainstream politics, flipping out with the slime and shit, and standing up there and giving hell (a filibuster, no less!!). In less than thirty seconds, I was brought to tears (I knew what was coming, which made those tears flow all the more quickly and easily)...

...and I think...what the hell went wrong? Why did America choose Bonzo instead of Mr. Smith? And how have these goddam bonzos managed to claim some kind of moral high ground? Moral values...whatthefuck!!!? Shit and greed and shit and torture and ignorant revenge fantasy manipulation all wrapped inside a redwhiteandblue flag with that time-old torture symbol thrown in for good measure (you know that one...the cross). And they get enough votes to win again (he he he...or did they?)....

America chose Bonzo and his children over Mr. Smith and his progeny...

...and now all the world is paying the price.


Anonymous said...

para cuando un comentario en español...yo no se tanto ingles y parece que tu manejas el lenguaje con mucha sutilidad.Estaria bien entender perfectamente lo que dices.

tomillo de beas said...

¡Ojala que pudiese manejar español con mucha sutilidad! Pero me temo que no controlo tanto. Demasiados errores para este guiri ke aprendio castellano en la calle...