How many billions do they say will be directed at rebuilding New Orleans and the Gulf coast? Eighty-something billion dollars. Huh? Just whereinhell do they come up with that wealth? Sure as shit not from the bulging federal treasury...which is basically imploding into a netherworld of future financial disaster.
So what do we see right away? Cozy-assed corporate shits belonging to the same rancid mafia cashing in immediately on this newly minted wealth. Did I hear the name Halliburton? Who's in charge of this "great effort" from the White House?...none other than everyone's favorite christofascist faker Rove! Warms the heart.
So we have a new New Deal for the South, with money popped into existence suddenly...most or all of which will fall into the greasy hands of greedfilled wretches...most or all of which will, of course, be financed not by U.S. corporate (or individual) taxes, but by China and other governments trying to keep the incredible shrinking dollar from breaking the levies of the international financial system (and that lovely American market from morphing into depression nothingness)...all of which, supposedly, must be paid back (will American troops be called out to quell the next Tiannamin Square uprising?).
Oh, right. Let us not forget that much of the relief money from contributions goes into a fund highlighted by Pat Robertson's "charity" (which channels half of the cash back into its fascist tv network). Good ol' "let's kill president Chavez" Pat...this, while Chavez himself offers more in material aid than most of the supposed "Christian" groups combined...
Finally, we're treated to the speculator spectacle...armies of shitheads (neo-carpetbaggers?) scouting out flooded properties for cheap deals...ah, what a wonderful New Orleans shall rise from the muck! With the speculators in the lead!
Fucking hell!
¡Hay que joderse!
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