Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Hyprocrisy and the Horror

As much as I try to defend "democracy" against the dismissals of my "anarchist" friends here in Spain, I am left continually aghast at what I see in the major political campaigns. The latest angst-inducing affair, of course, is the volcanic eruption of idiocy and perverse hypocrisy set off by Barak Obama's comments on the Democrats' problems with white, working-class voters. In answering why these people tend to vote again and again for manipulative, cynical politicians who then proceed (since the Reagan years until today) to ream them all up the ass economically, Obama reasonably explained that they were"bitter over their economic circumstances, and cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them". Well for fuck's sake, how true. Yet suddenly we've had to withstand an onslaught of judgments by comfortable politicians and journalists, accusing Obama of "elitism". And we've got the horrendous Hilary Clinton blathering on about her family's deep, sincere faith, about her fond memories of daddy showing her how to shoot a gun...etc. Absolutely nauseating. If there were any doubt before, none is left. If the Democrats are pathetic enough to nominate this woman, I will not be able to vote....this after spending the better part of last year pleading with my skeptical Spanish friends!

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