Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Telling the World

People have been getting on me for not writing more entries here.

Evidently, once you set up a blog, you have to keep filling it with some sort of text on a consistent basis, whether or not you actually have something remotely worthy to say.

Hmmm. I have sinned. Not having anything of particular interest to add here, I haven't added a post for many moons. I suppose I could have. I mean, as always, there's plenty to rage about. Yet I prefer to have some kind of particular angle on a subject before setting forth to tap tap tap the keyboard.

So what's today's particular angle? Let's see...

I love today's headlines concerning the Republican party's strong defence of its Halliburton mafia benefactors. I enjoy giggling when I encounter some fool still going on about something called "moral values" that supposedly led minions of blithering idiots to vote for these banally evil shitheads. Moral values. Yep. Support our soldiers as they torture, kidnap, and enter into what are most likely daily exercises in war crimes in their good work as defenders of whateverthefuckit is they are "defending".

This cannot be stressed too strongly, nor repeated too many times: in the name of all Americans, people are TORTURING, KIDNAPPING AND DISAPPEARING PEOPLE, AND COMMITTING MASSACRES OF INNOCENT PEOPLE ON A REGULAR BASIS (this last according to the poor fucker who is currently leading the Iraqi "government"). This has been going on for long enough. There is simply no legitimate way that Americans can claim any kind of moral or ethical superiority over their "foes". And that, my friends, is more important than you think.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Nice rant. If you are ever lacking fodder for your blog you might do well to check out Lots of food for thought there.