Tuesday, May 24, 2005


Hmmm...so many leaked stories and images of the degradations of war...torture, abuse, inhuman treatment of prisioners...physical and psychological abuse of citizens...a vanquished ex-leader shown in his underwear. Indignities not just for the victims, but, normally, for the perpetrators. One would think that the current U.S. military, and administration, would want to conceal such horrors committed in the name all north American citizens...if only to somehow justify their actions in the name of being the "better", or perhaps more highly "moral" side of the conflict.
But no. These stories and images continue to leak out of the various hell-holes produced by what they call the "war on terror". How is it possible? It is logical to assume that with all their power, technology, and seeming indifference to American Constitutional safeguards, that these people would be able to stop such information from emerging.
Which leads me to believe that it is all quite purposeful.
Purposeful behaviour from people who are not functioning in any classically American-style pragmatic manner, nor ruled by any traditional notions of realpolitique. If it were so, this would provide at least a glimmer of hope, in that the torrent of lies and murderous brutality shown by the U.S. administration would represent nothing more than a greedy oil grab and mega-pork project for the Halliburtons, et. al. That would simply be a classic display of cold-hearted power by mafia types in suits. This has happend before, and it will happen again. In any case, that would call for a more thorough and professional P.R. front. Barbaric practices by U.S. citizens, representing all such citizens, one might think, would needlessly erode the kind of political support needed to maintain this unholy oil/military industry pork soup.

But no. This news and these images continue to emerge. The only reasonable explanation I can think of is that they simply want to scare the shit out of what these crazed fascists believe are "the other"..."the bad guys"...those who don't even value life...
In short, it is a manifestation of the "new crusade" mentality against, for now, the Muslim world.

It would seem that we are not only witnessing a horrid display of greed and evil in the name of "defending" America, with the accompanying creation and exploitation of fear and ignorance, and the resulting attack on the American political system (they call these people "conservatives"!!), but at the same time the perpetrators are quite insane religious fanatics. Not only do they talk this way, but their actions lead to the uncomfortable conclusion that they really believe their own fascist fantasies.

Those who annoy me the most in all this are the spineless yapping chickenhawk "intellectuals" who supported and continue to support carnage and evil in our names. They should know better than to fall into this simplistic "clash of civilizations" formula.

Yet they yap on, in their arrogant way.

Hay que joderse!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
