I recall reading a line just after last November's elections that made me chuckle. Something along the lines of how the elections had transformed the writer into a right winger, i.e., he hated the working class and had ceased to believe in evolution...
Now I read that it's time for the Christofascists to ideologically cleanse the "liberal-biased" (whatever the hell that is) U.S. universities. Any professor accused of "offending the beliefs" of a student (e.g., not giving equal time to creationism) can be sued in court by that student.
Why not just throw the offending "liberals" into concentration camps (they could be set up around the new oil drilling fields in Alaska)...
Meanwhile, I was thinking about what Spain was like last year at this time. The Islamofascists had done another deed for
their skygod by blowing up a bunch of commuter trains...blood and guts just before the general elections. The political party in power at the time, the Partido Popular, erroneously sensing that they could loose support (90% of Spaniards were consistently against Spanish participation in the Iraq war), quickly panicked. They blamed the attacks on the Basque separatist group ETA (a situation which, if true, would have served to increase public support for the PP). Evidence quickly accumulated that this was not the work of ETA, but rather of a group of Islamofascists. However, the PP continued to insist, blindly and emphatically, on the other thesis. They managed to continue in this "massive lying and manipulation of the Spanish people" (as Zapatero, the new president would describe it 6 months later) right up until election day...
An amazing thing happened. Millions of disgusted Spanish voters went to the polls (most of whom were left-leaning, and who hadn't voted in years due to disappointment with the "left" parties), and voted the lying bastards out.
For this act of courage and democratic action, the Spanish people were immediately treated to accusations of bowing to terrorism, cowardice, etc. All of this, of course, from foreign columnists, chickenhawks and other opinion mongers...
And I have to laugh today, thinking about how the terrorists have truly affected elections in this world. They have succeeded in transforming the USA into a population ruled by fear. A population (a goodly percentage, anyway) who voted for the most inept, anti-American administration in history out of fear. Cowardly fear. An adminstration that is cynically making fools of their own voting base...
And they say the Spaniards succumbed to terrorism...
Hay que joderse.